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„Crama Mircesti”

  • Information

„Crama Mircesti”

The vineyards are spread over the Magura hills, in a unique region, suitable for the production of exceptional wines. The Mircesti Winery also includes the white Brancoven style mansion, which once belonged to a nobleman, and since 2011 it has been brought back to life and put into use, and it was also then that the first vine cuttings were planted. Now the vineyard covers 15 hectares, and from 2020 the Winery opens the doors of its own guesthouse with traditional cuisine. Located in the heart of the Republic of Moldova, in the village of the same name – Mircesti, the winery is 25 kilometers from Ungheni City and 80 kilometers from Chisinau.

The winery has 13 hotel rooms:

  • Double room – 60 Euro
  • Single room – 45 Euro

The complex provides services of:

  • Organization of hikes/walks in nature with equestrian elements
  • Organization of parties and events dedicated to traditiona holidays
  • Programmes, destinations and tourist packages (wine tours, wine and food packages)
  • Travel ideas, visits to folk craftsmen (craft items: ceramics)

We meet here:

Village Mircesti, Ungheni District