Clusterul Turistic
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Clusterul Turistic

It was laid out in the center of Ungheni City in 2010, on an area of 6000 square meters, equipped with benches for recreation, trash cans, lighting fixtures, trees and shrubs, annual and perennial flower species were planted, a fountain was built. The bust of Grigore Vieru was installed, as well as 7 other sculptures made during the 2012 Sculpture Camp. The oldest sculpture in the square dates back to 2000.
The project “Sustainable Actions for Economic Growth through Tourism” focuses on the sustainable economic development and the creation of a positive image of Ungheni region as a tourist destination.
In 1967-1968, Ungheni horse farm was put into operation, established at the proposal of Iacob Ciachir. Thus, Ungheni City became famous in the Soviet space, thanks to its thoroughbred horse farm, which numbered over 120 horses, including purebred English. The farm hosted the union equestrian competition. In memory of the founder, the Cup “Iacob Ciachir”, a national equestrian competition is held annually / bi-annually in Ungheni.
Independence Square, originally built as an administrative square in 1952, was transformed into a pedestrian area of Ungheni City in 2022.
The attraction point of the Square is the pedestrian fountain with light and music show. With an area of 621 square meters, the dry fountain operates daily, guided by a pre-established schedule. Thus, at noon, between 12.00 and 13.00, the fountain is put into operation, and in the evening, between 18.00 and 22.00.
The project focuses on sustainable economic and social development, depending on the specific needs and resources, with an emphasis on improving the tourist infrastructure and capitalizing on the local natural, historical and cultural heritage.
Thus, a set of integrated tourist products will be created, competitive at regional level, corresponding to the available tourist resources and positioning this field in the main economic priorities of the district.
General objective:
Sustainable economic development and the creation of a positive image of Ungheni district as a tourist destination by stimulating the tourist potential and promoting the local tourist brand.
Specific objectives:
S.O. 1. Developing touristic activities contributing to the increase of number of tourists, as well as Ungheni city and district attractiveness.
S.O.2. Stimulating the tourism development in an integrated and sustainable manner enabling the creation of touristic networks and joint promotion of the cultural patrimony and the development of proper tourism instruments.
S.O.3. Creating a suitable communication and cooperation frame and promoting the partnerships among the main actors, from public and private sector, essentially involved in the development of touristic field.
Work Package 1: Stimulating cooperation for tourism promotion
1.1.Market survey regarding touristic and cultural offers and destinations
1.2.Workshops for capitalization of local handicrafts and master classes
1.3.Tour visits of national journalists and tour operators from twin cities
1.4.Local cluster of touristic promoters’ creation and functioning
1.5.Summer camps “Touristic Ungheni” in photo voice method
Work Package 2: Creation of sustainable regional and crossborder model
2.1. Web-based digital infrastructure
2.2. Installing information touristic signs with QR codes tags
2.3. Ensuring conditions for touristic-cultural events
2.4. Conference of best shared marketing practices
2.5. Promotional campaign as to promote eco-friendly solutions for touristic facilities
Work Package 3: Developing of Touristic Information Centre
3.1. TIC arrangement works
3.2. Inauguration and functioning of TIC
Work Package 4: Regional branding through informational and promotional materials
4.1. Project branding
4.2. Producing information and promotion materials
4.3. Digital activities
4.4. Public events
Ungheni City is located in the central-western part of the Republic of Moldova, on the eastern bank of the Prut River. According to the latest census data (2016), it is the third largest city in the country, after Chisinau and Balti. The first documentary attestation of the locality: August 20, 1462, in a chrisov from Ștefan the Great, the original name (1462-1587) being Unghiul (Angle).
The city stretches for about 10 km along the border with Romania, being located at an altitude of 62 meters above sea level. The total area is 16.4 km². Population: approximately 32,000.
Ungheni is an important economic center, with a well-developed road network, one of the largest railway junctions in the Republic of Moldova, a free economic zone. In 2008, the locality was declared the youth capital of the Republic of Moldova.
In 2020, the “EU4Moldova: Key Regions” Program was launched in Ungheni, which marked a new beginning in the development of the city and neighboring localities.
The public administration operates according to the Regulation on the organization and operation of Ungheni City Hall, approved by Ungheni City Council on February 15, 2019.
The mayor, deputy-mayors, the secretary of the Ungheni City Council, together with the staff of the city hall, ensure the operative solution of the city’s problems, manage and respond to public affairs, in the interest of the inhabitants of Ungheni City.
Under the management of the City Hall are 7 early education institutions, the Palace of Culture, the schools of artistic
education, the Museum of History and Ethnography, the Sports School, etc. Among the municipal institutions that operate in
Ungheni are: “Apă-Canal”, “AVE-Ungheni” (waste disposal), “Comgaz-Plus” (production and distribution of gaseous fuel).
In the last decade, Ungheni City Hall has implemented over 50 projects, aimed at significantly improving the quality of citizens’ life. The investments reached hundreds of millions of lei. Investments have been made in road and pedestrian infrastructure, in water and sewage networks, in education, culture and leisure, in sports.
Among the latest achievements are: the rehabilitation of the Central Park “Micul Cluj”, the reconstruction of Independence Square and the City Hall Square, the reconstruction of the main aqueduct, the construction of about 20 km of water and sewage networks, the modernization of the street waste collection and transport system, the rehabilitation of land of sports, the capital repair of preschool institutions, the renovation and modernization of the multifunctional cultural center, the capital repair of access roads in the courtyards of multi-storey buildings, the construction of modern parking lots and waiting stations, the reconstruction and capital repair of dozens of kilometers of roads and sidewalks, the reconstruction and streamlining the street lighting system.
At the moment, new projects related to the rehabilitation of road and pedestrian infrastructure, the improvement of children’s education conditions, the expansion of water and sewage networks, sustainable economic growth actions through tourism are being implemented etc.
The Public Association Regional Center of Sustainable Development (PA RCSD) is a non-governmental organization founded in 2001: it promotes European values, contributes to increasing and strengthening the capacity of local public authorities, civil society, the business environment and facilitating the process of citizens’ involvement in the policies of sustainable local and regional development to improve the life quality of the communities.
The organization’s strategic areas of activity are: sustainable local and regional development, civil society and volunteer development, promotion of European values.
PA RCSD organizes and carries out a wide spectrum of activities aimed at training and developing the capacities of community actors in terms of participatory strategic planning, elaboration, implementation and monitoring of sustainable development strategies; promoting and supporting the joint efforts of local public authorities, civil society, the business environment and public institutions in the process of implementing sustainable development strategies; information and documentation, training and instruction, analysis and expertise of strategic documents, planning and involvement, assistance and consultation of community actors; providing informative and methodological support for the development of the business sector; promoting and encouraging the development of the non-governmental sector at the local and regional level etc.
PA RCSD has the experience of providing the following services:
During the activity period PA RCSD created a series of mechanisms and functional structures for sustainable development: Local Agenda School 21 Ungheni Sustainable Development Strategy of Each Locality in the Third Millennium); School of Young Volunteers XXI; Alliance of Active NGOs for Sustainable Development PRO Local Agenda 21 Ungheni; Integrated Action Group for Local Economic Development; Local Coalitions and Boards of Directors in the high schools in the city of Ungheni and neighboring towns, Local Initiative Groups in 7 neighborhoods of Ungheni City etc.
The target groups of PA RCSD are local public authorities level I and II, non-governmental organizations, civic initiative groups, public institutions, school and preschool education institutions, libraries, economic agents. PA RCSD has extensive experience in project implementation. Between 2001 and 2022, PA RCSD implemented around 50 projects in various fields: capacity development of community actors and active citizenship (Local Agenda 21 Sustainable Development Strategy Local Agenda 21 Ungheni, UNDP, 2000; The educational strategy of the municipality of Ungheni SOROS, 2000; Consolidation of Local Public Administration II, UNDP, 2000-2001; Consolidation of Regional Public Administration, TACIS, 2000-2002; Local Agenda 21 Moldova, UNDP, 2001-2006; Women Can Succeed I and II, OSCE in Moldova, CIDA 2002-2003; Women Can Succeed. Local actions, DA Norway 2006; Electoral campaign management, IRI/USA, 2006; Consolidation of Civil Society, TACIS, 2007); economic development and entrepreneurship (Regional Initiative for Women Empowerment in Business (REIW), US State Department of Labor, 2002-2003; New Perspectives for Young Entrepreneurs, World Bank, 2004; Partnership for the Sustainable Development of Cross-Border Entrepreneurial Cooperation Ungheni Republic Moldova–Iaşi Romania, GTZ, 2006; Investment opportunities in Ungheni, UNDP, 2006; Investor’s Guide in the cross-border area, GTZ, 2006; Traditional Products in the cross-border area, GTZ, 2007); tourism (An integrated approach to the sustainability of tourism production, CIUDAD/ EU, 2010–2012; Sustainable actions for economic growth through tourism, ENI/2021/170157-1/5, Program Mayors for Economic Growth – Pilot Projects, 2022 – 2023 ); environmental protection (Introduction of proactive waste management practices in selected cities of Georgia, Moldova and Armenia, POC Black Sea Basin 2007-2013 (2013-2015); Together for adaptation to climate change, Embassy of Lithuania in the Republic of Moldova (2017); Collection selective collection of waste electrical, electronic equipment (WEEE) in Ungheni City, SlovakAid, 2017); infrastructure (Civic involvement for the improvement of living conditions in the municipality of Ungheni, co-financed by the Polish development cooperation program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the “Small Grants Fund” Program, managed by the Solidarity Fund of Poland in Moldova, 2018 ; Healthy way of life ensured by a modern cross-border sports infrastructure, EaPTC, 2017–2019; Ungheni for the development of sustainable urban mobility – AGREED ALDA /EU, 2020; Efficiency of public infrastructure in Ungheni Vale neighborhood, co-financed by the Polish development cooperation program of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the “Small Grants Fund” Program, managed by the Solidarity
Fund of Poland in Moldova, co-financed by the Global Environment Facility/GEF SGP, 2021-2022). PA RCSD actively participates in the implementation of local and regional sustainable development programs and projects, developing viable partnerships and various cooperations at the local, regional and cross-border level: it has signed cooperation agreements with local public authorities, private companies and NGOs in the country and abroad.
The Regional Tourist Cluster Ungheni – 2030 was established on April 20, 2022 by signing the Memorandum of Collaboration between 30 members, of which 16 companies from different fields (agriculture, winemaking, production of ceramics, carpets, public catering, hotel and printing services, wood processing), 3 folk craftsmen, 5 local public authorities, the State Agrarian University of Moldova, 3 Public Associations and 2 museums from Calarasi District, who expressed their desire to associate in order to strengthen their efforts to promote a mutually beneficial cooperation in order to facilitate the development and promotion of tourism in the region, attracting investments and creating new jobs. Later, on March 15, 2023, another 8 members joined the Regional Tourist Cluster Ungheni – 2030, of which 6 enterprises from the areas of carpet production, agriculture, winemaking, public catering, entertainment services, Straseni City Hall, the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova.
The products of the tourism cluster consist of all the offers of local service providers (accommodation, public catering, guiding, travel organization, leisure/events, etc.) and goods consumed by travellers (souvenirs, local gastronomy and drinks, local products) in the destination Ungheni – Calarasi – Nisporeni. The services offered within the cluster can be divided into two categories:
The Regional Tourist Cluster Ungheni – 2030 was established in the form of a free and open association. In order to coordinate the activities, the Cluster members, by consensus, appointed a cluster management entity and a Cluster Coordinator.
The Board of Directors consists of 7 people, being approved by the General Assembly of the Cluster with a simple majority vote.
Increasing the attractiveness and promoting the region by developing a modern tourist infrastructure.
Strategic objectives:
Increasing the competitiveness of Ungheni region in the field of tourism in partnership with
stakeholders from Calarasi and Nisporeni regions
The tradition of celebrating Ungheni City Days was born in 2002, when the City Hall decided to officially mark 540 years since the first documentary attestation of the locality .
In 2009, by a decision of the City Council, Ungheni City Day was declared on August 28, the day of the Christian holiday “The Assumption of the Virgin”. Starting from the same year, Ungheni City Days are organized between August 27 and 31, when the two national holidays are also celebrated – Independence Day, on August 27, and “Our Language” – on August 31.
During this period, numerous cultural and sports events take place, famous artists from the Republic of Moldova, as well as from abroad, are invited.
Every year, there are organized exhibitions with local products, DJ parades, fireworks.
Delegates from sister cities and those with which Ungheni has friendly relations participate in Ungheni City Days every time. During this period, the municipality is visited by the state and diplomatic missions representatives.
The purpose of the Feast is to revitalize the popular wear.
The programme of the event includes the folk wear parade, exhibition and folklore show
The district festival of winter customs and traditions “After the ancient traditions” takes place annually, starting from 1986, in December, in the City Hall Square of Ungheni City.
It aims to promote winter traditions and customs. Artistic collectives of amateurs from the localities of Ungheni district participate.
The outdoor sculptures are located in the central park of Ungheni City.
The approximately 80 works were created during 7 international sculpture summer camps. The sculptures, some of which are monumental, have a modernist character, most of them showing interest in form and content of the message, as well as in the value of the author. For this fact, Ungheniul is nicknamed the “City of sculptures”.
Ungheni City, Central Park
Traditional embroidery: national cloths for children and adults, skirts, national men’s shirt and christening costumes.
Felt manufacturing, paper baskets weaving.
Jewerly, traditional beaded accesories, beaded trees and flowers of different sizes.
The production of traditional embroidered and sewn Moldovan clothes, shirts, skirts and costumes for all areas of the country, towels, bedclothes, tablecloths, traditional dolls, bags, purses, various traditional Moldovan souvenirs. Icon embroidery with beads, pearls, Swarovski stones, gold and silver threads, painted icons on glass
Artisanal chocolate , dehydrated fruits, sugar products.
Decorative wooden works.
Artistic wood carvings.
Painting, graphics, decorative ceramic painting.
Crocheting and knitting.
Textile thread works, jute cloth works, wooden souvenirs.
Handmade products: jewerly, paintings in different techniques, sugar paste figurines.
Handmade products (martisor, toys), embroidery (hand embroidered bad linen, embroidered cloths), personalized toys.
Personalized wood works.
Seat mats manufacturing, national woman blouse, mărțișoare, beads icons, embroidery, crochet pillowcases.
Decorative products, stationery products, handmade jewerly, bead trees, fruits or sweets bouquets.